The A.narchist L.iberation F.ront
Anarchist Idea
           Your weekly anarchistic task

The ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
This is here to present a suitable anarchistic task for those bored youth out there
Global Anarchy: Think Global, Act Local
Philosophys of the ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
Comrades of the ALF: With new Leamon scent
Text files of the ALF: 25% extra FREE!
Propaganda of the ALF: Exciting new flavours
THE CORP: Its a good feeling...
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eMail OmegaMole: He's a love muffin
Anarchist Idea #1 4/10/99 Election time approaches...

Now kiddies what do elections promote? Yes they promote government, the anti-thesis of anarchy.
But what would happen if no-body knew that the election was on? Or even yet there was an anarchist candidate?

Alot of fun... This is what we suggest you do. Go around and take all the candidate signs, they are lightweight, you can fit hundreds in a car boot, and they are an excellant source of corregated plastic. Or if you are in an artistic mood, get your spray paint out and spray paint giant A's on them, slogans, such as Tuesday is the day. Voters are losers. The Anarchist Liberation Front ...Its a good feeling.

Now if like me you prefer the hypothetical collection method, you have all this free corregated plastic boards. What do you do?
What you do is this. Take those puppies and build sledges, giant effigies and edifices to the gods, of anarchy and chaos. Make them into innovative little odds and ends and sell them at a craft-fair; Funding your own private revolution. Again you artists can create your own electorial propaganda, and place your self or friends and family as the candidates, or better yet sabotage teh candidates election plans with their own signs.

Modify cars, and give them a futuristic "planar" look or nail them over the doors and windows of some jerk. He'll have to cut his way out. Currugated plastic is also useful for holding concrete in small amounts. The possibilities are endless. One of my friends stole all election signs of the current mayor of my domecile's community, and then partied with him at his victory celebration

If you want to help the revolution (or r3v0lu710N as its some times known as in 3l1t3 k-rad h4)(0R circles) work out ingenious methods for using them in the art of destruction, and eMail me the results and I'll include them in the up coming ALF Handbook

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