The A.narchist L.iberation F.ront
Philosphys of the ALF:
           Better, Stronger, Faster

The ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
               "Let the Americans keep their Democracy. We don't need it."
                                                                                                  ...Its a good feeling
Philosophys of the ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
Comrades of the ALF: With new Leamon scent
Text files of the ALF: 25% extra FREE!
Propaganda of the ALF: Exciting new flavours
THE CORP: Its a good feeling...
Links: Free coupon offer inside
eMail OmegaMole: He's a love muffin
So you say...
What makes the Anarchist Liberation Front different than any other dime a dozen anarchistic group out there?
Well, we've got extra coloured sprinkles FREE!

Like it or not, but the fact is that modern society is slowly rotting away at the seams. A mould is eating away at the cotton structure, because the nylon material, is not biodegradeble. We feel that it is the fault of our current rigid society. One that doesn't care about anything other than the dollar. One that would gladly consume all that is available today, and leave nothing for tomorrow.

Many of us went out in search of a social organisation that would cure all these wrongs. This "utopial" society would contain these principles:

1. Allow total freedom of action, with no-boundries, other than that of respect to your fellow man
2. Promote the free, unbiased, uncensored flow of infomation
3. Abolish boundries, to communication, and allow that entire human race to become a united species

Obviously anarchy was the solution. Number one. It allows total freedom of action, and a rational anarchy would require no need for laws, as everyone would be too sensible to accept violence as an action. Secondly. There is no hindrence to the flow of infomation, as there is no government, and no social structure in place to prevent this freedom of infomation interchange. The final principle goes hand-in hand with the second one. In the past the system of waring tribes was a method for suvival, intraspecies competition. Now however we can grow food, and this whole system, of you stole my cows 5000 years ago so now I'm gonna bomb the shit out of you is getting a little tired. We have plenty of cows to go around and its time for these histories to be dropped. In an anarchaic system, there wouldn't be a government to fight over long dead cows.

Lets put this into context. Ivan the electrician says. I can provide a useful service to society. This makes me happy. But to help me with my jobs I need the smooth taste of milk, and the char-grilled happyness that is dead cow on a bun. So he visits Hamish, the dairy farmer. He says, "Hamish you have many cows, and much milk. I shall connect your dairy shed, to the power grid in exchange for milk. Hamish may then say "Yes, the light you would provide me in my shed will assist me in milking my cattle, making a more productive, valuable worker, and so provide more milk for the people of earth. Ivan then does the job and gets some milk. Ivan then feels hungry from his mornings labours he travels, to cow on a bun, we're he says. I shall give you some of my milk/and or services in exchange for some dead cow on a roasted sesame seed bun. The youth behind the counter then says. I'm sorry we only accept credit devices in this establsihment, so Ivan goes Ok and pulls out some credit devices, and exchanges then for his cow in a bun.

Unlike what most people think Ivan then doesn't get pissed off at the poor quality of lack of flavour in his dead cow on a bun, blows up the store, savagely killing the inhabitants. He instead says. I'm pissed off at having payed credit units and having received so little. I shall choose to eat at the competitors store in the future. That way I can make you increase the quality of your wares to entice me back, as violence is a crude and messy way of solving disputes. This way I can get what I want, and not offend any one or their families, by killing them, and I won't have some angry people hunting me with guns and sharp object, which would lead to violence and would esculate pulling humanity back down to its previos level before the revolution. I enjoy being sensible and not capitalistic. Thank a diety that the Anarchist Liberation Front and some like minded groups and individuals, were here to save humanity from the brink of extinction.

You see anarchy makes perfect sense doesn't it? If you have more questions, more infomation will be available online soon. But now I want ot goto bed, so eMail me for anymore info, or a philisophical debate

Related pages
Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1910 definition of anarchy
Groliers Electronic Encylopedia definition or Anarchy
What is Anarchism? --From the Workers Solidarity Movement
Ten Anarchist Principles
Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchy (but were afraid to ask)
An anarchist Manifesto
Misconceptions of Anarchy
Libertarian socialism
Libertarian Socialism -A basic Definition
Libertarian Marxism by Daniel Guerin
Libertarianism a bogus Anarchy by Peter Sabatini
Towards a Libertarian socialism by Chris Faatz
Between Anarchism and Libertarianism: Defining a new movement by Jeff Draughn
Links to come later
Other Concepts
What is Anarco-Syndicalism
What is Anarchist Communism? by Alexander Berkman
Anarchism and Organisation by Errico Malatesta

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