The A.narchist L.iberation F.ront
Text Files of the ALF
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The ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
There are two text files here, more to supplicate the masses rather than full you with that ASCII based goodness.
Comrade robots rant #1  -Comrade Robots first Rant
Meat.txt  -This really has nothing todo with anything
Rant of the Unknown Soldier -A little something I found on alt.anarchism.rules
Philosophys of the ALF: Better, Stronger, Faster
Comrades of the ALF: With new Leamon scent
Text files of the ALF: 25% extra FREE!
Propaganda of the ALF: Exciting new flavours
THE CORP: Its a good feeling...
Links: Free coupon offer inside
eMail OmegaMole: He's a love muffin
Ignore this space

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